
Holy Communion and ecclesiastical discipline. This article intends to give an account of the Reformed Confession concerning aspects of the Lord's Supper and Church Discipline. Attention is given to relevant articles of faith in the Confession, the form for the sacrament of the Lord's Supper and certain articles of the Church Order of the Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika. These documents, originating from the Reformation of the 16th and 17th century, are still upheld by many Reformed Churches. In contrast to this, since the period of the so-called "Nadere Reformasie" until recent times, the Confession of the Reformed Churches, in cam the Heidelberg Catechism as well as particular articles of the Church Order, has been strongly criticised or neglected. A short review is given of the historical background to the establishment of the Reformed beliefs concerning the Lord's Supper and Church Discipline regarding this sacrament. In conclusion relevant parts of Scripture, for example 1 Corinthians 11, are dealt with in order to determine whether the Confession conforms to Scripture and to emphasize the correspondence between the particular articles of faith and the Word of God.


  • These documents, originating from the Reformation o f the 16th and 17th century, are still upheld by m any R efo rm ed Churches

  • A short review is given of the historical background to the establishment o f the Reformed beliefs concerning the Lord's Supper and Church Discipline regarding this sacramenL

  • In conclusion relevant parts of Scripture, for example 1Corinthians II, are dealt with in order to determine whether the Confession conforms to Scripture and to emphasize the correspondence between the particular articles affaith and the Word a f God

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In die klassieke Nagmaalsformulier en in die kerkorde wat sy oorsprong in die Reform asie het, word op ’n prom inente wyse uitdrukking gegee aan die leer van die kerk m et betrekking tot die onderwerp Nagmaal en kerklike tug. * dat "tot die heilige Nagmaal word alleen diegene toegelaat wat volgens gebruik van die plaaslike kerk belydenis van die Gereformeerde godsdiens gedoen het en ’n goeie getuienis van ’n vrome wandel besit" (Kerkorde, GKSA, artikel 61);. Dit kom voor asof die strewe na die eenheid van die kerk en die belangstelling wat ekum enisiteit in ons tyd ook in die geledere van reform atoriese kerke in Suid-Afrika geniet, tot gevolg het dat die frekwensie van oop Nagmaalsvierings toeneem, en dat interkom m unie tussen kerke m et ’n reform eerde belydenis en anglikaanse kerke ’n werklikheid begin word. W at is die agtergrond en wortels van ons belydenis en ordereëlings oor hierdie aangeleenthede? W at is reg met betrekking tot toesig oor en toelating tot die Nagmaal? Vir wie is die Nagmaal ingestel en wie het in die oë van G od die reg en roeping om daaraan deel te hê?

A lleen vir gelowiges
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