
The Church Order of Dordtrecht of 1619 and of the Dutch Reformed Church of 1962: The latter a developement of the former on church discipline? A spokesman for the Commission of Actuarii who drafted the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church for a newly founded general synod in 1962, J.D. Vorster, called it an example of the Church Order of Dordt of 1619 for present times. That meant that this Church Order used the same principles or constants as Dordt, but under different circumstances. The influence of the Church Order of Dordt on the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church of 1962 on church discipline is investigated. The latter indeed used constants of the former, but also revealed new developments: developments of a reformational nature and not only with regard to new circumstances, but also in the formulation and usage of some constants. What the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church also took over from the Church Order of Dordt, was a list of sins which made it difficult for ministers to be reinstalled after they have sinned.


  • Die Dordtse Kerkorde van 1619 en die NG Kerkorde van 1962: Laasgenoemde ’n ontwikkeling van eersgenoemde ten opsigte van die kerklike tug?

  • The Church Order of Dordtrecht of 1619 and of the Dutch Reformed Church of 1962: The latter a developement of the former on church discipline? A spokesman for the Commission of Actuarii who drafted the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church for a newly founded general synod in 1962, J.D. Vorster, called it an example of the Church Order of Dordt of 1619 for present times. That meant that this Church Order used the same principles or constants as Dordt, but under different circumstances

  • Die feit dat hy deur die Algemene Sinode as aktuarius gekies word, onderstreep sy beeld as kundige oor kerkordelike sake in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK)

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Original Research

Die Dordtse Kerkorde van 1619 en die NG Kerkorde van 1962: Laasgenoemde ’n ontwikkeling van eersgenoemde ten opsigte van die kerklike tug?. A spokesman for the Commission of Actuarii who drafted the Church Order of the Dutch Reformed Church for a newly founded general synod in 1962, J.D Vorster, called it an example of the Church Order of Dordt of 1619 for present times. ’n Tipiese gereformeerde vereiste vir NGKO-1962 in sy verhouding tot DKO-1619 waarop Vorster nié wys nie, hang saam met die vraag of NGKO-1962 in sy verwoording van die konstantes of beginsels van DKO-1619 van ’n ontwikkeling en verdieping van hierdie waarhede getuig. Beteken die reformatoriese stelreël ecclesia reformata semper reformanda [’n gereformeerde kerk reformeer steeds] (Koffeman 2009:35) dat NGKO-1962 ten opsigte van sy bepalings vir die kerklike tug – in beginsel en in sy situasiegerigte toepassing as ’n kant daarvan – vanuit DKO-1619 gereformeer of ontwikkel het?. 2.Vergelyk Koffeman (2009:104) se gebruik van die term bepalende constante as hy stel dat die kerk of gemeente draai om Woord en sakrament: ‘Dat is de grote en alles bepalende constante in het leven van de kerk.’

Open Access
Tug in die hart van die kerklike bediening
Gesag van kerklike tugvergaderings
Geestelike aard van kerklike tugvergaderings
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