
It is analyzed the concept of "didactic conditions", it is also offered its own definition of the concept in the article. It was found that in most pedagogical sources this issue is studied within higher education establishments, so our paper is devoted to general secondary education. Four main pedagogical conditions for the use of Internet sources in the educational environment are identified. They are technical equipment for computerized education, combination of information and communication technologies with traditional forms of education, teacher training to use innovations in the educational process through appropriate applied training, as well as the formation of a high level of digital skills of secondary school students. Attention is also paid to fleeting, auxiliary didactic conditions. This is a combination of activity and competence approaches to learning, activation of educational and cognitive activities of students through game learning, visualization of educational material, increasing the motivational aspect of learning through the novelty of teaching methods; providing a positive emotional background of learning, online support of students outside the school in order to motivate, adjust, direct work. It was found that for the formation of any didactic condition (basic or auxiliary), there must be a number of factors - the reasons for its appearance. The formation of didactic conditions is a long-term process that is the result of solving a didactic problem. The essence of the didactic condition itself is inconsistent, which is associated with the development of society, its constant changes. Similarly, the set of didactic conditions also constantly varies: one condition becomes irrefutable, does not require proof, but a new, more urgent or relevant one appears.Big part of the article is devoted to the analysis of modern Internet resources for teachers to master computer technology, mastering the skills of using gadgets in the educational space.

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