
Recent developments in international relations, new perception types in public, international politics and social motion and emphasis on peace culture have made intercultural communication and dialogue concepts key role players. Giving a meaning to intercultural differences within the frame of tolerance and creating a dialogue atmosphere, at the same time requires a social education. The education about this topic to be given both in primary and secondary education institudes or media and universities and social responsibility campaigns will provide new perspecives particularly in the resolvation of the problems arousing due to intercultural differences. Mediation education is based on focusing the communication skills on resolving problems and involves negotioation and conflict resolution education as well. Educating the students as potantial future negotiators starting in primary school will both contribute to the concept of social communication significantly and help build the culture of concensus and living together peacefully concept in social, personal and cultural communications. In this notice titled “Dialogue and Mediation Education in Intercultural Communication”, new education modellings and communication strategies about this topic will be constructed and an intercultural education perspective will be presented.

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