
The article analyzes the accentuation, phonetic, morphological, word-forming and phraseological dialectisms used in the six-act drama "Mamy" by Maria Mathios. Unlike lexical dialectisms, which are mostly presented in page-by-page footnotes with an interpretation of their semantics by the author, the speech units studied in the proposed article mostly function in the text of the work itself and do not require explanation, as they are completely understandable from the context. Instead, phraseological dialectisms are also often explained in footnotes, since their semantics may not be completely clear to the general public. At the same time, we observe the use of phonetic, morphological, accentuation and phraseological dialectisms precisely in the speech of the characters, although lexical ones are also presented in the author's speech. In addition, the researched work presents significant monologues of characters, which contain a number of various speech units from different structural levels of the language. Among the morphological dialectisms, we note speech features primarily in the field of nouns, in particular, the presence of the ending -y in the genitive singular of feminine nouns of the third declension; in verb forms, primarily in the preservation of ancient forms of the past tense, the function of the participle-postfix -sia is mainly in the preposition; in the writer's representation of a number of dialect forms of official parts of speech, as well as exclamations. Accentuational dialectisms are mostly paroxytonated units. Word-forming dialectisms differ from literary language mainly by suffixes, less often by prefixes. Phraseological dialecticisms used in the text of the novel are emotionally saturated, are an important element of the characters' speech, and function mostly with the main component of the verb and verbal semantics. The researched types of dialectisms recorded in the prose text are presented in dialects of the southwestern dialect, primarily Hutsul, Transnistrian, Bukovinian, Transcarpathian, and Boykish. The analyzed dialect units are an important component of the characters' individual speech, logically woven into the linguistic fabric of the artistic text.

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