
The content of the concept of “readiness for professional activity” (RPA) is considered, a structural analysis of its components (value-motivational, cognitive-activity, personal, communicative components) is given. A pedagogical experiment to study the readiness of future managers for professional activity has been conducted. The content of diagnostic methods used during experimental work is revealed, their role in the learning process is highlighted. The diagnosis is based on criteria, indicators and their corresponding levels of formation of the RPA, which makes it possible to draw up a more objective picture of the current state of the investigated problem. An analysis of the dynamics of the structural components of the RPA during the experiment has been made, and the pedagogical conditions that help to activate the process of student training has been studied. Diagnosing the structural components of the RPA significantly activates the pedagogical cooperation between teachers and students. This is the process of their socio-psychological interaction, aimed at creating favorable conditions for self-knowledge, self-development and self-improvement of the individual

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