
The beginning of a university career is an opportunity that is given to young people when accessing higher education in Mexico, for the student it is hard work and at times it is saturated with difficulties, which manage to resist with motivation, and study habits that help students to finish the university career. The overall objective of this research is to analyze and promote habits to develop the Action Plan Tutorial of the next school year to promote activities that are in line with the interests of students. It is a cross-sectional descriptive investigation through surveys, since variables are not manipulated by naturally targeting phenomena or facts. To carry out this research, a simple sampling was carried out with second and fourth semester students of the Engineering degree in Material Innovation of the UMSNH (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo). Description of the instrument. Study habits test, admits to appreciating and detailing study habits; which can be managed in groups and/or individual, in an average time of 15 minutes, consists of 20 items. With regard to the questioning if, do you study periodically and not just before the exam? 47% of students refer to only studying from time to time, while 32% study almost always. Environmental condition factors, study planning, material utilization, content assimilation, and sincerity of study habit scales generally show a low-to-normal moderate utilization level trend. Study habits in their different factors require improving the degree of use.

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