
Long-term conjunctival infections are challenging for the outpatient ophthalmologist. This is due to significant changes in microflora towards resistant gram-negative bacteria. Long-term conjunctival infections are challenging for the outpatient ophthalmologist. This is due to a significant change in microflora towards resistant gram-negative bacteria. The above studies are based on microbial associations, which are the causes of inflammatory processes, conjunctiva and cornea.Purpose: to increase the effectiveness of the diagnosis and treatment of chronic specific inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision.Patients and methods. The study was conducted in patients with chlamydial infection (n = 589) and included chronic conjunctival infections lasting more than 4 weeks, follow-up of patients with partners, family members for 3 or more years. Results. The study was carried out in patients with chlamydial infection (n = 589) and with chronic infectious diseases that lasted more than 4 weeks, following patients and family members for 3 or more years. During this period, we performed more than 3 studies for each patient — for diagnostic laboratory studies and 2 consecutive controls 1 and 2 months after treatment, mixed infection was detected in 256 people (10 %), the proportion of women was 20–30 years is 67 %, men — 51 %. In 27 % of cases, communities of Ch. trachomatis and Ureaplasma parvum as leading causative agents of the eye infections.Conclusions. Chlamydia is most often found together with Ureaplasma parvum (27 % of cases among mixed infections). Treatment of various forms of chlаmidia infection is carried out with the help of “Floxal” (0.3 % ofloxacin — drops and ointment).


  • Long-term conjunctival infections are challenging for the outpatient ophthalmologist

  • The study was carried out in patients with chlamydial infection (n = 589) and with chronic infectious diseases that lasted more than 4 weeks, following patients and family members for 3 or more years

  • We performed more than 3 studies for each patient — for diagnostic laboratory studies and 2 consecutive controls 1 and 2 months after treatment, mixed infection was detected in 256 people (10 %), the proportion of women was 20–30 years is 67 %, men — 51 %

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Обследование проведено у пациентов с хламидийной инфекцией (n = 589), в том числе и при микст-инфекции. Наше исследование включало изучение хронических инфекций конъюнктивы продолжительностью больше. Так как продолжи‐ тельность лечения хламидийной инфекции составляет 3–4 недели, в целях профилактики образования L-форм хламидий и достижения комплаенса рекомендовано ис‐ пользование как глазных капель с низкой концентра‐ цией бензоалкония хлорида, так и глазной мази Floxal без консервантов. Исследование ARMOR включало изучение изолятов микроорганизмов в образ‐ цах отделяемого из конъюнктивальной полости на чув‐ ствительность к низким концентрациям (MIC) различ‐ ных антибиотиков из десяти классов, в которые входили фторхинолоны (моксифлоксацин, гатифлоксацин, ле‐ вофлоксацин, офлоксацин, ципрофлоксацин и беси­ флоксацин), макролид (азитромицин), аминогликозид (тобрамицин), линкозамид (клиндамицин), пеницилли‐ ны (оксациллин, пенициллин), полипептид (полимик‐ син В), феникол (хлорамфеникол), гликопептид (ван‐ комицин), и тетрациклин (тетрациклин). Pneumoniae (99,8, 0,2 и 99,5, 0,5 % соответственно), чем тобрамицин, азитромицин, хлорамфеникол, поли‐ миксин В [16]

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