
Secondary corneal dystrophy is a group of diseases characterized by an inflammatory–dystrophic process in the cornea of the eye. This pathology is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome and leads to an irreversible decrease in vision, up to complete blindness. To date, many aspects of pathomorphological changes of the cornea in secondary dystrophies remain insufficiently studied due to the impossibility of conducting an intravital study of the cornea tissue. The article presents a case of morphological analysis of a tissue fragment of a pathologically altered cornea in secondary posttraumatic corneal dystrophy. Destructive changes in corneal tissue revealed during light microscopy indicate the presence of signs of fibrinoid swelling in the shell stroma with gross disorganization of the base substance and neovascularization. The study made it possible to correlate the data of pathomorphological changes and the clinical picture, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen method of treatment of this pathology (intrastromal injection of a suspension of autologous mononuclear leukocytes of blood into the stroma of the damaged cornea).

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