
Solutions of dioctylarsinic acid (DOAA), ( n-C 8H 17) 2AsOOH, in chloroform have been equilibrated with aqueous solutions of perchloric, hydrochloric, hydrobromic, nitric, sulfuric and hydriodic acids. The loading experiments with perchloric acid indicate that 0·1 M DOAA, after equilibration with HClO 4 of initial concentration 5 M–9 M, forms a dimeric specie (DOAA·HClO 4) 2. Except for sulfuric and hydriodic acids, the loading curves for the other mineral acids are similar to the curve for HClO 4 with well defined plateaus at equimolar ratios of [ H +] 0 [ DOAA] 0 in the range of initial aqueous acid concentration from about 3 M–7 M. Reagent dependence studies showed that the mineral acids formed 2:1 adducts with DOAA at 0·1 M aqueous acid concentrations. Sulfuric acid was not extracted at this concentration, but formed a mixture of 2:1 and 2:1 adducts between 0·5 M and 1·0 M aqueous acid. Hydriodic acid reacted with DOAA. Water was coextracted with all mineral acids and the concentration of water in the organic phase decreased at aqueous acid concentrations greater than 6 M.

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