
Today's learning is increasingly innovating in terms of learning and learning tools. teachers are required to make learning that is able to increase student interest in learning, one of the media is a website. The website is able to accommodate a lot of material and is arranged in a coherent manner. This research aims to (1) Produce website-based learning media development products, (2) Know the feasibility of website-based learning media (3) Empower students' learning motivation by using website-based learning media.This research was included in the type of research and development (R&D). The model used was ADDIE which was conducted at SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta. The subject of the research was students and biology teachers. The product validation was carried out by two learning media experts and one material expert. The instruments used in this research were: needs analysis instrument, student and teacher response questionnaire, and learning motivation questionnaire. Data retrieval techniques were carried out by distributing the questionnaires for students' and teachers' responses after learning. The learning motivation questionnaire was distributed before and after learning using my website. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative techniques.The result of this study was a learning website containing virus material that can be operated either on a smartphone or PC. Media websites have been validated material expert with a score of 78.75 (feasible ) and media expert with an average score of 84.03 (very feasible). There was input from the validator to revise the student's trial. The limited scale trial results of the website with a total of 15 students resulted in an average score of 93.61% (very feasible ), and the larger trial scale with a total of 36 students (grade X MIPA 1) resulted in a score of 89.43% (very feasible). The teachers' responses to website media were 98.44% (very feasible ) and 89.06% (very feasible). Student's learning motivation increased by 5.41% after using the website media. The test results showed a sig score of 0.002< 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference between the initial and final motivation indicate there is virus web learning can be empowered students' motivation.

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