
The relevance of the article is determined by updating the content of professional training of future heads of preschool educational institutions, the essence of which is not only in the development of professional knowledge, skills and abilities but also in the development of personal traits, in particular professional tolerance. The purpose of the research is to analyse tolerance as a component of the professional development of a future manager in the field of education based on its definitive meanings and development in the process of professional training. Scientific research was conducted using general research methods, such as structural analysis, synthesis, generalisation, and modelling. The article analyses the main views on the interpretation of the concepts of “tolerance”, “development of tolerance” and “professional tolerance of the head of a preschool education institution”. It is found out that tolerance is an acquired personal trait, as a result of which there is a need for its systematic development in the process of obtaining higher education by future managers. The structure of professional qualities of the manager, which includes abilities, knowledge and skills, as well as socio-psychological characteristics, is substantiated. It is determined that the qualities of a manager in the field of education have their own characteristics, in particular, the division into three key groups: qualities that reproduce the attitude of the manager to his activities; qualities that show the attitude of the manager to himself and qualities that are aimed at indicating relations with subordinates and society. It is suggested to introduce the theoretical block “development of tolerance as a professionally important quality of heads of preschool educational institutions in the process of professional training” during the training of future teachers in higher educational institutions. The value of scientific work lies in the development of a content module for the establishment of professional tolerance with its subsequent practical justification

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