
The article examines and analyzes the essential and structural aspect of the problem of basic competencies of future translators. Current trends in the professional training of competitive translators in Ukraine are explored, summarized and presented. The terms “professional training of translators”, “competitive translator” and “professional competitive translators” are defined; justify the components of the structure of competitive translators and highlight the pedagogical conditions for training competitive translators. explore the key aspects of competencies required for a successful career as philology teachers, taking into account modern requirements and challenges in the field of education. Accordingly, linguistic, methodological, pedagogical and scientific competencies are analyzed, which are the place for effective teaching of philological disciplines. The article also explores the structural aspects of curricula and training plans aimed at developing basic competencies in future philology teachers. The role of practical classes, staging and scientific research in the training of future teachers is highlighted, as well as the possibility of introducing them into the educational process. The study draws conclusions about the need to increase attention to the development of basic competencies of future philology teachers in higher education institutions and improve the curriculum to achieve this goal. The importance of combining theoretical training with practical experience and scientific work is analyzed to ensure high-quality training of future philology teachers and increase competitiveness in the labor market. It is concluded that the training of translators is defined as the process of developing their communicative competence, which involves not only the acquisition of language as a means of communication, training, self-education and ensures free, legal, correct and functionally adequate knowledge of all types of speech activity in a foreign language at a level close to the native speaker language

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