
Stock Market is the most important parts of the financial markets; it is providing long-term investment for the economy. Financial markets are very sensitive, just one loss in a market division may spread to financial markets large and very easily lead to a financial crisis, causing damage to the economy. Thereby posing a requirement is to stabilize the financial markets. Therefore, during the past decade with the growth of the exotic derivatives market, one of the most important developments of the financial markets, the derivative financial instruments are increasingly widespread use, flexibility in financing activities. These are new tools and complex, so want to use it effectively Vietnam need to study and learn it. Derivative securities are derivative financial instruments derived from stocks and have a relationship with the stock closely origin. These are financial instruments versatile and are important tools used in a flexible manner to help enterprises and investors on stock market risk treatment on stock prices and help speculators looking to profit. But derivatives to create ceramic molding from investors, and very complicated only for professional investors and stock market development. In Vietnam, the stock market just put into operation since 2000, also in phase initially built up the problem applies derivative securities is inadequate, but as the market develops, it becomes necessary. After 15 years of establishment and development of Vietnam's stock market, dated 5/5/2015, the Prime Minister issued Decree No. 42/2015/ND-CP on derivative securities and stock market Derivative. This is considered a prerequisite for the operation and development of the stock market derivative Vietnam in June 2017; contribute to improve the market structure of modern finance, next to the stock market and bond market government listed.

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