
The article is devoted to the study of the current state, problems and prospects of development of the Ukrainian stock market. It is proved that the stock market is a tool for implementing the state's Innovation Policy and a priority factor in mobilizing financial and capital resources. Stock market commodities are securities (stocks, bonds, etc.). Trends, features of functioning and development of the Ukrainian stock market are analysed. The analysis of the main indicators of exchanges, the structure and volume of exchange contracts with securities is carried out. The structural distribution of exchange contracts by trading organizers is established. The analysis of operations with securities on the organized market, unorganized market and stock exchanges of the country is carried out. The largest volume of trading on financial instruments on trade organizers in 2019 was recorded with government bonds of Ukraine – UAH 295 billion according to the National Securities and stock market Commission, the exchange market during 2019 saw consolidation of securities trading on two stock exchanges “Perspektyva” and “PFTS Ukraine Stock Exchange”: 98.7% of the value of exchange contracts. Analysis of the main indicators that determine the state of the stock market has shown that the modern securities market of Ukraine is characterized by an extremely high degree of fragmentation, limited liquidity and a variety of types of securities, which, in turn, are the main obstacles to the development of the stock market and the capital market as a whole. Attention is focused on the main problems that hinder the functioning of the stock market. It is proved that the development of the stock market is hindered by: insufficient competitiveness of the domestic stock market; imperfect tax incentives for market development; low level of corporate governance development; imperfect regulatory and legislative framework of Ukraine; low liquidity and capitalization. The directions of development of the stock market of Ukraine are proposed: improving the efficiency of regulation of issuers; stimulating the inflow of investment to the stock market; ensuring reliable and efficient functioning of the market infrastructure; ensuring the functioning of the unified state policy for stimulating the improvement of the investment climate.

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