The house fly, Musca domestica, L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is a filth fly that is often associated with criminal and civil investigations surrounding abuse, neglect, and death of humans and other vertebrates. However, development data, which are crucial for determining the age of immatures collected under forensically relevant circumstances, are limited. Given the lack of data and the recognition of population-specific growth patterns, the aim of this study was to generate data for development of a M. domestica population from Texas, USA, on decomposing lean pork at 24.0°C (i.e., approximate room temperature in Texas) and 37.0°C (i.e., approximate human body temperature). As expected, fly development significantly differed between temperatures with development at the higher temperature taking significantly less time (development from egg to adult emergence occurred c. 48.5% faster at 37.0°C than at 24.0°C). The value of this dataset is demonstrated through an applied comparison with previously published data for the house fly. Differences in development times across life stages for the studies are evident, with shorter time of colonization estimations using the data published by Wang etal. (2018), especially in later life stages. These data represent the first development dataset for the house fly on decomposing flesh in North America. Furthermore, the comparison with the previously published dataset demonstrate data from this study are of value for future forensic investigations in Texas or possibly other parts of the United States where this species is encountered, as they can be used to determine time of colonization.
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