
Background. Features of formation of students’ abilities and skills concerning such speech competence, as speaking in the conditions of online learning.
 The purpose. Traditional education has many means to correct various issues that arise in the learning process. The conditions of distance learning consist of two important areas: technological and methodological and didactic, which cannot be separated from each other. The purpose of this article is to analyze and describe the various elements of modern online learning, both in terms of technology and in terms of methodological and didactic means. This goal involves solving the following tasks: the study of methodological and language didactic means that promote the development of speaking competence at foreign language classes during distance learning. Explore the benefits of different online means.
 Methods. Discriptive method. 
 Results. On the one hand, properly formed communication skills, thinking, directed motivation, as well as the topic and content of tasks play an important role in the development of speech competencies. On the other hand, the combination of synchronous and asynchronous means allows to implement the learning process on the internet in full.
 Discussion. The study describes a system of tools and methods for learning a foreign language, as well as. stages of learning to speak. This allows to summarize some elements of the didactic base. Knowing the stages of preparation for different types of communication, as well as the focus – situational or communicative, one can use a variety of methods and exercises to achieve free communication. The focused assistance during study is possible when some aspects of psychological development, personal knowledge of a particular student and the communicative situation are taken into account and it can give confidence to students and bring more satisfaction from the results. It is revealed that with the help of the most modern means for synchronous and asynchronous communication the distance learning system could be able to work in a constant normal rhythm. Thus, the distance learning process is carried out using a combination of synchronous and asynchronous means, while maintaining flexibility and convenience, and expands the quality and efficiency of both methods of communication. The application and combination of traditional knowledge and modern technologies allows to implement a successful distance learning in teaching a foreign language. The further development of our research lies in the field of linguodidactic description of means of listening competence development.

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