
The article is devoted to the emergence of new contradictory trends in the school music education of postmodern society, how young postmodern youth perceives and uses music and attempts to methodically solve these problems. We explain the relevance of the topic by the fact that postmodern historical trends are still very strong in developing countries, and the industrialization of music art is increasingly distancing young people from academic and folk music achievements. Objective of the article is to identify the main trends, contradictions and problems of music education in postmodernism, and to simulate possible methodical ways of its decision. The general methodological approach is theoretical. We have chosen sociological, theoretical and analytical plus theoretical and methodological methods as the main ones for a data collection, information processing and modeling (modification) of educational conditions in music lessons in high school. As a result, the authors of the article presented main features of music education in postmodern society, the attitude of young people to music, and most importantly presented a thesis formulated 15 guidelines for optimizing school music education. The main conclusion is to avoid categoricalness in the hierarchy of educational process management; evaluation of musical content, to emphasize perceptual, reflexive and performative mechanisms of the development of musical heritage. The international significance of the article lies in the supplementation of numerous theoretical studies with specific methodological recommendations, as well as the use of the Ukrainian cultural context of the late postmodern era, which for some reason scholars pay little attention to.

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