
This article presents various theoretical and methodological approaches to technology assessment, which are applied in Russia and abroad. It classifies and describes the milestones of development of such assessment methodology and tools in our country, covering the period from 1960s till present. The article provides results of analysis of technology assessment methods and techniques, which are used in Russia and abroad. Fundamental differences between technology assessment indicators, which are based on the cost and discounted cost concepts, and indicators, which are based on the opportunity cost concept, were determined. Analysis of development of methods and models of economic assessment of technologies points out to their consistency. In their economic essence, all of them are based (in the modern context) on the same general methodology of assessment of results and costs in different combinations and modifications thereof. However, existing assessment methods do not allow to assess (in an integrated manner) dual-use technologies, which are widely applied in Russia. Therefore, we offered a new integrated approach to development of the methodology and tools of economic assessment of technologies applied in various sectors of the economy (civil and military). The tools for implementation of such approach were developed in a form of economic and mathematical models. They allow to estimate an integrated economic effect of technologies when used in civil and military sectors, which is very important in the current situation. Practical application of such models will allow to assess (in a systemic manner) the effects from creation and implementation of dual-use technologies. The article identifies basic trends in further study of this applied research task and the most acceptable methods thereof. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s4p22


  • In 1960-1980s, economic assessment of technologies in the Soviet Union was based on industry, interdepartmental and nationwide methodologies, which used the concepts and methods generally accepted at that time

  • All economic assessments were made in respect of certain types of technologies used in manufacturing of specific products, as well as in respect of the processes of their development, implementation and upgrading

  • It should be noted that the concepts of result and economic effect are not the same, because result may include qualitative components, which can not be subject to economic assessment, or results may include components, the economic assessment of which is not directly included into such result, e.g. economic assessment of social results

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In 1960-1980s, economic assessment of technologies in the Soviet Union was based (for the most part) on industry, interdepartmental and nationwide methodologies, which used the concepts and methods generally accepted at that time Such assessment was based on the indicators related to reduction of full costs of the processes performed using specific types of technologies, which were compared with capital expenditures which resulted in such reduced costs. The issues of assessment of commercial efficiency of new technologies implementation were the least elaborated issues in the economic theory in those years, since such issues were pretty much ignored in command economies Faced with this problem, there were no reliable statistical indicators and clear definitions of applied categories, e.g. the concept of “novelty” had no clear assessment criterion. Such circumstances prevented from getting objective assessments of the efficiency of technological development of the national economy and its industries (Konson, A., 1968)

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