
Information is presented on the development of digitalization in agriculture in Russia in the context of the use of modern technologies in animal husbandry and crop production. The priority of innovative investments related to the use of information technologies is shown in general, in the agro-industrial complex, and in agriculture in particular. The high efficiency of digital transformation of agricultural production is proved by the example of individual rural areas and agricultural producers of Udmurtia. The problems of digital transformation of the agricultural sector of the economy and regional features of the development of information and communication technologies in rural areas are highlighted. A model for assessing the development potential of regional agriculture based on the gravitational theory of attraction of growth points is presented. An example of calculating the innovative potential of agricultural production in Udmurtia is shown. It is proved that uneven territorial development of rural areas is largely due to the level of use of modern technologies and technical solutions in agriculture. The methodology for assessing the potential of digitalization of the agricultural sector is proposed.

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