
Language is a tool that determines the history and culture of every nation and is an integral part of its education, as the worldview and beliefs of a person are formed and developed through language. Language shapes the nation identity and cultural featurues. Moreover, one of the requirements that is rapidly developing today is the knowledge of a foreign language at a decent level. Teaching a foreign language is a doundting and challaging task for language teachers; this article offers ideas to use the advanced information technolgies in a proper way. Hence, the effectiveness of the old methods of language teaching in the modern era of digitalization that were established in the absence of information technology is questionable. Currently, one of the most important principles of learning and teaching languages is introducing intercultural competence along with the structure of the language. Furthermore, the authors of the article discussed about one of the ways of learning English in a more captivating and contemporary way: watching feature films and actively using information technology. These relatively new methods aid students develop creative and critical skills using authentic materials through interactive games, discussions, information and innovative technologies. As part of the study, the article studied and presented samples and types of practical exercises using these methods.

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