
Statement of the problem. The paper considers the process of complex periodic corrosion inspection in order to assess the effectiveness and improve the operational reliability of the corrosion protection system (CPS) using the example of on-site technological networks of the underground gas storage Elshanskaya. Results. The technical condition of the electrochemical protection means, the level of active protection and the technical condition of pipelines of the underground gas storage were assessed, the object was protected by its length and time, and zones of negative influence of constant and stray currents were identified. A method is proposed for determining the optimal number and locations of cathodic protection stations (CPS). Conclusions. Based on the research results, a commissioning method is proposed that provides the optimal technological mode of operation of electrochemical protection means (EChP), and proposals have been developed to ensure the effectiveness of diagnostics and the safety of further operation of gas distribution pipelines. The implementation of this approach in the design of EChP facilities can lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption during operation.

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