
Statement of the problem.Development of the model of plasticity of reinforced concrete structures is based on the intensity of the "stress-strain" relation to project tensors using transitions, as well as the coefficients of the steps of forces and axes (principal angle and strain-strain, total shear strain, etc.). Results. The dependences of plasticity modulus of concrete, transverse coefficient have been obtained. Complex functions of generalized hypotheses of deplanation of linear and angular deformations and jumps for crack formation breakaway and stiffness are constructed. It includes force flows, i.e., blocks of compressed and tensile concrete for isotropic medium (the first object), "main cracks" from fracture mechanics, functional and two-cone element for the deformation effect of reinforced concrete. The resistance of the tensile concrete is transferred to the working reinforcement using the total average longitudinal and transverse forces for the transversal-isotropic environment, including the average modulus of reinforcement and the reduced tensile concrete coefficient of the second limit state group. The special dowel effect is derived from the second level model of structural mechanics for a rebar with two pinched ends, as well as crack opening (a development of the Thomas –– author hypothesis), crack-track bank shear, and buckling. The main vector of forces in the reinforcement is characterized by two values of longitudinal and transverse displacements and the width of opening and shear of the crack-track (the third object). Conclusions. The energetic theory on the surface of the sphere and the determination of the integral of the mean square value of the tangential stresses of plasticity theory allowed to develop an alternative to the ge-neral model in the form of a paraboloid by summing the volume sectors, radius-levels from the matrix of sliding planes (including octahedral and pure shear) in concrete medium from microcracks to macrocracks.

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