Northeastern region of India is one of the six most seismically active regions of the world. Guwahati, the major city in the region is growing rapidly in every aspect. The 1897 great Assam earthquake and the 1950 Assam earthquake both of magnitude 8.7 are two of the many great earthquakes that had occurred in this region. There have been reports of extensive liquefaction occurring during these two earthquakes. These instances of liquefaction necessitate the need to evaluate liquefaction potential of the area. In the present study, an attempt has been made to predict the liquefaction susceptibility of Guwahati city based on corrected SPT values using deterministic as well as probabilistic performance based approach. The deterministic and probabilistic version of Toprak et al., Youd et.al, Idriss and Boulanger and Cetin, standard penetration test (SPT)- based liquefaction triggering correlations have been used. The results obtained in the probabilistic approach are then compared with their deterministic approach. Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N values, engineering properties of the soils and depth of water table were taken from a data base of 200 boreholes upto 30 meter depth covering an area of 262 km2 in Guwahati city. Liquefaction susceptibility from the methods is presented as maps showing zones of levels of risk of liquefaction. Comparison of the three methods in the deterministic approach have shown that there is a difference in the factors of safety in the same depth and comparison in the probabilistic approach have also shown a difference in the values of probabilities in the same depth. The SPT- based liquefaction evaluation procedures have been found to yield significantly different predictions. This study feels that the issues and uncertainties regarding the use of both the deterministic and probabilistic liquefaction triggering relationships in practice must be resolved so as to arrive at a common consensus to determine the same.
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