
On the ecological conditions and distribution of vegetation in any geographical area; The mutual interaction of factors such as climate (temperature-precipitation), topography (altitude-mountain extent), soil plays an important role. In addition, these factors also determine the ecological and geographical distribution of vegetation at micro and macro levels. In this study, geographic information systems (GIS) are used as a method and here; Digital elevation model of the basin (30x30), multi-year climate data (precipitation, temperature), Erinc climate type results, soil distribution, stand distribution, plant profiles and field photographs are the materials used in the study. By processing these data, the type and distribution of vegetation in the Goksu basin were determined. According to these findings, physical factors such as altitude and the extent of the mountains have created significant differences in the precipitation and temperature distribution of the basin. This difference was clearly observed in the Erinc climate classification results, and the south of the basin presented humid and semihumid climate characteristics, and the north presented semi-arid climate characteristics. These climatic conditions also affected the soil formation and type,causing a wide distribution of non-calcareous brown soils and non-calcareous brown forest soils in the field. As a result of all these conditions, plant species showed different vertical and spatial distribution. In the part from the south of the basin to Saimbeyli, plant species such maquis, pinus brutia, pinus nigra, Cedrus libani, Abies, Juniperus are distributed, while in the north, oak species such as oak, Bromus torhentallus, Astragalus, Thymus have been distributed. Thus, factors such as climate, topography and soil played an important role in the spread of vegetation and species in the Goksu Basin.

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