
AbstractA sensitive enzyme immunoassay (EIA) based on polyclonal antibodies from sheep was used to screen for atrazine in electro‐ultrafiltration (EUF) soil extracts without clean‐up. Matrix effects were circumvented by diluting the aqueous EUF extracts. The EUF proved to be a convenient method for the extraction of atrazine residues in soil. The efficiency of EUF appeared to be equivalent to that of organic extraction methods except on weathered residues, which generally resulted in lower yields. Both the combined gas chromatography/automated Soxhlet (GC/Soxtec) and the immunochemical technique EIA/EUF yielded similar data for the 26 soil samples identified as positive (> 0.02 mg/kg) during the first screening of 479 EUF extracts by the EIA.

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