
Recently the prompt-based models have become popular across various language and vision tasks. Following that trend, we perform few-shot keypoint detection (FSKD) by detecting any keypoints in a query image, given the prompts formed by support images and keypoints. FSKD can be applied to detecting keypoints and poses of diverse animal species. In order to maintain flexibility of detecting varying number of keypoints, existing FSKD approaches modulate query feature map per support keypoint, then detect the corresponding keypoint from each modulated feature via a detection head. Such a separation of modulation-detection makes model heavy and slow when the number of keypoints increases. To overcome this issue, we design a novel light-weight detector which combines modulation and detection into one step, with the goal of reducing the computational cost without the drop of performance. Moreover, to bridge the large domain shift of keypoints between seen and unseen species, we further improve our model with mean feature based contrastive learning to align keypoint distributions, resulting in better keypoint representations for FSKD. Compared to the state of the art, our light-weight detector reduces the number of parameters by 50%, training/test time by 50%, and achieves 5.62% accuracy gain on 1-shot novel keypoint detection in the Animal pose dataset. Our model is also robust to the number of keypoints and saves memory when evaluating a large number of keypoints (e.g., 1000) per episode.

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