
Abstract: Numerous current and future applications aim to create highly efficient central processing units (CPUs). The RISC V processor micro-architecture is one illustration of a design that satisfies the necessities. The RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture [ISA] provides support for the micro-architecture. The instruction set architecture and the micro-architecture of a processor are two of the most crucial aspects of its design. The multiplier and divider circuits have a relatively high level of hardware complexity compared to other stages of the instruction execution process, which must be taken into account in any core microarchitecture. The construction of an appropriate hardware circuit that is capable of multiplication and division determines the overall size, power, and performance of a core. This center has four phases, and during those stages, each guidance is done, except for stacking and putting away information. The arithmetic operations can be completed within one clock cycle. On the other hand, the division and multiplication operations are repeated in an effort to shorten the critical path latency.

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