
The information and data processing in logistics activities are necessary for improving company performance. One logistics activity that needs to be managed is the shipment of goods. Some companies manually record and store shipment data, facing issues related to accuracy and pace. This research aims to design a web-based goods delivery information system for recording, storing, processing, and reporting shipments swiftly and faultlessly. The system is designed using stages in the Waterfall model, including analysis of needs, design, coding, and testing. The result is a web-based goods delivery application that can manage shipment activity data automatically and in real-time, reducing errors in recording and processing time. The system can also generate shipping documents, such as waybills and invoices, automatically and can be printed directly. Furthermore, it provides automatic real-time shipment reports, allowing monitoring of delivery performance through a dashboard on the main page of the application. This information system can assist companies in managing shipment activities.

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