
The Khairiyah Mosque is one of the places of worship for Muslims who are in the median. The Khairiyah Mosque does not yet have an information system and mosque management management. The large number of activities at the Khairiyah Mosque and the poor management of the mosque's finances and manual data processing made it difficult for mosque administrators to process data and it took a long time. To overcome this problem, an information system and management of the mosque is needed that can be accessed easily, anytime and anywhere by mosque administrators and provides accurate, fast and accurate information about the activities and finances of the Khairiyah mosque to the public. On this basis, a web-based mosque e-smart application information system was developed made with Notepad ++ with programming tools Codeigniter Framework, PHP, HTML, CSS, Boostrap, Javascript and Jquery. Furthermore, the author will use the MySQL database and supported by the Google Chrome browser which aims to facilitate mosque managers in managing mosque finances and activities and will make it easier for people to find mosque information through existing websites. The stages of this research include needs analysis, system design, implementation and testing. This web-based mosque e-smart application information system was tested using the black box method. With this web-based information system, the e-smart application for mosques is expected to facilitate the processing of mosque data effectively and efficiently

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