The necessity of hardware security for internet-of-things applications demands a low hardware area, high speed and secure pseudorandom bit generator (PRBG). Amongst various PRBGs, Blum-Blum-Shub (BBS) is the proven cryptographically secure PRBG because of its large prime factorize problem. The efficient implementation of BBS method relies on the large integer modular multiplication which makes it computationally expensive. Montgomery algorithm is a very efficient solution to perform the modular multiplication which replaces the critical trial division with series of shift and additions. However, the clock latency and critical path delay are increased with increase of modular size. Therefore, in this paper, a modified radix-2 iterative Montgomery modular multiplier is used for efficient hardware implementation of 1024-bit BBS generator. It replaces two two-operand adders with one three-operand adder. Carry-save adder is the commonly used technique for three-operand addition which experiences high critical path delay. Hence, the critical path delay is further reduced by employing a fast parallel prefix Han-Carlson adder for three-operand addition in the proposed architecture. The proposed architecture is designed using Verilog HDL and prototyped on the Virtex5 FPGA device. The physical implementation results report that the proposed 1024-bit BBS architecture can work at a maximum frequency of 71.2 MHz with overall latency improvement of 93.87%.
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