
This paper contributes to the discussion concerning the status of Kimian states as a relatively new ontological category in language. We argue here that a class of psychological nouns in Polish represents Kimian states and it is semantically and morpho-syntactically related to structures with passive participles, which also show features of Kimian states. The discussion has a bearing on the Aspect Preservation Hypothesis (Fábregas and Marín, “State Nouns”, “The Role”), since the data seem to constitute a problem for this Hypothesis if the nominals are analysed as derived from active verbal forms or as sharing structure with them. The derivation of roz- psychological nominals from either Object Experiencer Verbs, Subject Experiencer Verbs or bare roots presents, in our opinion, insurmountable problems, resulting from the distributional facts concerning cognate nominal and verbal forms, as well as morpho-syntactic and semantic disparity between active forms of psychological verbs (both with Subject Experiencer and Object Experiencer arguments) and cognate roz- nominals. The nominals show Kimian state properties and contain morphological elements shared with the stative passive structures headed by passive participles of psychological verbs. The stable distributional correspondence between the nominals and their cognate passive participles supports derivational links between these two classes of forms. At the same time no such correspondence is observed with Subject Experiencer Verbs. Our analysis proceeds along the lines of Fábregas and Marín’s (“The Role”) analysis of Slovenian data, but counter some derivational claims voiced by Rozwadowska and Iordăchioaia (“The Root”, “Categorization”). In the light of the proposed analysis, the derivation of roz- nominals ceases to be problematic for the Aspect Preservation Hypothesis.

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