
Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the state of depression and anxiety and assciated factors of back-to-school college students during the outbreak of COVID-19, so as to provide theoretical basis for emotional counseling and psychological crisis intervention after long-term school closure due to epidemic outbreak. Methods Cluster sampling was used to select the first batch of 2 697 back-to-school students in a high vocational college. The survey content includes basic information questionnaire, Depression Self-rating Scale (SDS) and Anxiety Self-rating Scale (SAS). Results The detection rate of depression and anxiety was 31.8% and 10.4% respectively. Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk of depression in female college students was 1.28 times higher than that in male students. The risk of depression among college students with family loss experience caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 was 1.30 times that of those without family loss experience caused by the outbreak of COVID-19. Outgoing personality ( OR = 0.62), neutral ( OR = 0.55) and mild temper ( OR = 0.46), moderate frequency of physical exercise per week (1–2 times: OR = 0.73, 3–4 times: OR = 0.65) were protective effects for depression in college students.Low frequency of breakfast were the risk effects for depression in college. The risk of anxiety among college students who was the only child in the family was 1.61 times higher than that who was not the only child in the family. The risk of anxiety among college students with family loss experience caused by the outbreak of COVID-19 was 1.45 times higher than that college students without family loss experience caused by the outbreak of COVID-19. Neutral temper, mild temper and physical exercise 1–2 times a week were associated with lower level of anxiety in college students ( OR = 0.67, 0.56, 0.67). Breakfast skipping ( OR = 2.03) was associated with higher levvel of anxiety in college students. Conlusions During the outbreak of COVID-19, the first batch of back-to-school college students presented high level of depression. Colleges are suggested to promptly carry out effective emotional relief and psychological intervention for students, especially those whose family suffered in COVID-19, the only child in the family, with poor breakfast eating habits, as well as breakfast skipping and lack of physical exercise. 【摘要】 目的 了解新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间返校大学生抑郁、焦虑情绪现况及其影响因素, 为后续开展有效的情绪 疏导和心理干预提供依据。 方法采用整群抽样的方法对安徽中医药髙等专科学校首批返校的2 697名大学生进行自编 问卷调査, 内容包括基本信息、抑郁自评量表 (Self-rating Depression Scale, SDS) 和焦虑自评量表 (Self-rating Anxiety Scale, SAS) 等。 结果 首批返校大学生抑郁检出率为31.8%, 焦虑检出率为10.4%。多因素Logistic回归分析显示, 女生产生抑 郁情绪的风险是男生的1.28倍;因疫情致家庭损失的大学生产生抑郁情绪的风险是无家庭损失的1.30倍;外向性格 ( OR = 0.62)、中性脾气 ( OR = 0.55)及温和脾气 ( OR = 0.46)、每周体育锻炼次数适中 (1~2次:OR = 0.73;3~4次:OR = 0.65)与大 学生产生抑郁情绪呈负相关;早餐次数较少与大学生产生抑郁情绪呈正相关。独生子女大学生产生焦虑情绪风险是非独 生子女的1.61倍;因疫情致家庭损失的大学生产生焦虑情绪的风险是无家庭损失的1.45倍;中性脾气 ( OR = 0.67)及温和 脾气 ( OR = 0.56)、每周体育锻炼1~2次 ( OR = 0.67)与大学生产生焦虑情绪呈负相关;从来不吃早餐 ( OR = 2.03)与大学生 产生焦虑情绪呈正相关。 结论新冠肺炎流行期间, 首批返校大学生群体抑郁检出率较髙。学校应针对有因疫情所致损 失经历、独生子女、具有不良早餐习惯、缺乏体育锻炼的学生及时开展有效情绪疏解和心理干预。

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