<p>本文旨在透過群眾煽動家(demagogue)的概念來檢視民主政治運作的基本特徵,以及因此所產生的優缺點。為此,作者從古希臘民主追溯起,透過重要哲學家與思想家的相關分析,以及參照歷史政治事件發現,儘管期待人們參與民主時理性應該佔據主導地位,但訴諸各種情緒的群眾煽動家其實經常出現,尤其是在社群媒體發達的今日,因為此類政治人物只有在允許言論自由與公開競選的環境中才可能產生,因此是個民主的特產。然而,當群眾煽動家日益藉由挑撥仇恨、說謊抹黑達成政治目的時候,不僅侵蝕了自由民主(liberal democracy)中珍貴的價值,例如對多元文化與少數的尊重,更有可能埋葬了民主自身。在當前民主日益受到威脅的時刻,這背後的緣由值得人們深思。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>This article explores the fundamental characteristics of democratic political operation by analyzing the concept of demagogue. To understand the influence of such figures on democracy, the author delves into the origins of ancient Greek democracy and analyzes significant political theories and events. It becomes clear that while democratic participation is ideally guided by rationality, demagogues who manipulate various emotions are not uncommon, especially in the era of social media. These political figures can only thrive in environments that uphold freedom of speech and open elections. However, as demagogues increasingly use their own charisma to achieve political objectives by inciting hatred, disseminating falsehoods, and engaging in character assassination, they not only undermine the cherished values of liberal democracy, such as respect for multiculturalism and minorities, but also pose a potential threat to democracy itself. In the face of these challenges, it is crucial to reflect on the current state of democracy and consider the implications of demagoguery.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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