
The problems of test generation and synthesis aimed at producing VLSI sequential circuits that are delay-fault testable under a standard scan design methodology are considered. Theoretical results regarding the standard scan-delay testability of finite state machines (FSMs) described at the state transition graph (STG) level are given. It is shown that a one-hot coded and optimized FSM whose STG satisfies a certain property is guaranteed to be fully gate-delay-fault testable under standard scan. This result is extended to arbitrary-length encodings, and a heuristic state assignment algorithm that results in highly gate-delay-fault testable sequential FSMs is developed. The authors also consider the problem of delay test generation for large sequential circuits and modify a PODEM-based combinational test pattern generator. The modifications involve a two-time-frame expansion of the combinational logic of the circuit and the use of backtracking heuristics tailored for the problem. A version of the scan shifting technique is also used in the test pattern generator. Test generation, flip-flop ordering, flip-flop selection and test set compaction results on large benchmark circuits are presented. >

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