
The maturity behavior, the concentration of the osmotic agent and temperature in the kinetics of carambola osmodehydrated with sugar cane honey were evaluated, for which, the fruits were washed, disinfected, the edges and the peel were removed, leaving the pulp, to cut them into transverse slices, which were immersed in the cane honey treatments (pasteurized at 50 ° C and diluted at 40, 50 and 60 ° Brix), applying dehydration temperatures of 40 and 50 ° C, removing excess cane honey, and subjected to 85 ° C for 5 hours in an oven and then cooled and placed in containers with lids, storing them at room temperature. Sensory analysis was performed with the participation of thirty semi-trained panelists. A Completely randomized Block Design (DBC) with a 2 x 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, and a Tukey mean test at 0.05% significance, were applied, concluding that osmodehydrated carambola shows a decrease in acidity, and a significant increase in pH, ° Brix, ash and fiber, likewise, the Painted fruits show a greater gain in soluble solids, and the gain in soluble solids increases with increasing concentration of the osmotic solution used, and the gain in soluble solids it is directly proportional to the process temperature. All the treatments show the effectiveness of the osmodehydrated, finally, the studied treatments do not exert a significant effect on the general liking of the starch osmodehydrated and the results of the microbiological analysis show a count lower than 50 cfu / g for molds and yeasts.

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