
The court system is independent and it is exercised by the Constitutional Court of Georgia and the General Courts of Georgia.[1] As it is well known, the function of the court is to decide the disputed issue in favor of the side towards which the scales of law and justice lean, and not only to control the relevant systems, but also to promote their formation and development[2]. Court independence is a prerequisite for the fundamental guarantee of the rule of law and due process. A judge must inspire public confidence in the independence, fairness and impartiality of the law.[3] The purpose of this article is to determine the peculiarity of the interpretation of the administrative norm by the court. A parallel will be made with the approaches established in the European experience and literature. [1] Constitution of Georgia, Art. 59. [2] Bator M., What is wrong with Supreme Court, University of Pittsburgh Law Review, Vol. 51, Issue 3, 1990, 697. [3] Ethics of Judge <http://hcoj.gov.ge/ka/> [06.08.2023].

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