
The work under the name of Kitâb-ý Dedem Korkud Alâ Lisân-ý Tâife-i Oðuzân is widely titled as the Book of Dede Korkut. It is estimated that this work was put in writing at the late fifteenth century or the beginning of sixteenth century. The work with the stories which it contains, has enabled to reach today without the loss of many cultural elements of nomadic period of the Turks. Likewise, another tool that assumes the role of cultural trait is the classical Turkish literature which is the mirror of the great Ottoman geography. This literature which reflects the period of urbanization of the Turks and the average duration of which is six hundred years is also known by different names such as divan literature and old Turkish literature. The book of Dede Korkut and the classical Turkish literature which are penned with the same beliefs and values of the same nation undoubtedly show many points of similarity are the common aspects of reality. In this paper was investigated some jointly and heavily used motifs. When we look at the shared quotations we can see that the literature is a whole, though the utterance forms of different cultures which it carries; and it can not be divided into artificial nomenclature as folk literature, divan literature and so on. This work will contribute to the other studies which reveal joint aspects of folk literature and divan literature and also to support to increase the cultural common denominator between the literary opinions.

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