
The article focuses on the improvement of professional training of specialists of artistic specialties, in particular, a fine arts teacher on the basis of Ukrainian folk embroidery. The various ways of decorating traditional and modern clothing are studied. The way of decorating modern clothing with traditional folk cross-stitch embroidery is characterized as an effective one. It is well-proven that decorating modern clothing with traditional cross-stitch embroidery represents the history of the nation, the important constituent of materially-spiritual existence of the Ukrainian people, an index of public processes, and must take an important place in the educational dimension of future fine arts teachers. The methods of teaching the technique of cross-stitch embroidery and its use in decorating modern clothing by the future fine arts teachers are proven. The methods include the following stages: informative and cognitive, practical, creative, assessing. The module "Cross-stitch embroidery and its use in decorating clothing" is offered; plans of lectures and workshops, activities for independent learning, questions for module control, and questions for the final test are presented. These methods were approved in the educational dimension of the Department of Fine Arts of Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. The results of approbation led to its efficiency and expediency of the use in the process of professional training of future fine arts teachers. The prospect of further research is in the development of the methods of studying works of modern masters of embroidery by future teachers in the aspect of decorating clothing.

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