
Most current approaches for analysis overdamp slug test require parameters that are highly uncertain. Applying these approaches could give an error in the estimated hydraulic conductivity. A novel permeable reactive barrier (PRB) was designed and installed to treat contaminated groundwater seeps from spoil heap contaminate natural water stream. Accurate estimation of hydraulic conductivity of the reactive media placed inside thePRB is a vital for evaluating treatment process. Current work examines deconvolution, and traditional approaches to analyze slug test in a reactive media where precipitation and dissolution process are prevailing. A number of slug and pumping tests were carried out in the same boreholes drilled inside the reactive media. The slug testes were analyzed with traditional and deconvolution approaches. The hydraulic conductivity (K) values obtained from both approaches were compared with that from pumping test. (K) values from deconvolution approach could be comparable to that from pumping test if saturated thickness is the same at the test time. Deconvolution analysis for slug tests overcome drawbacks of tradtional analysis of slug test as it does not use uncertain parameters in the analysis. Deconvolution analysis for slug tests carried out in reactive media is recommended over traditional approaches to have better estimate of reactive media permeability which changes over time due to precipitation and dissolution processes.

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