
Introduction Hydrologic-test procedures Pretest activities ........ Pressure-monitoring system Open-casing tests Packer tests Page 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 Density profile 6 References 7 FIGURE Figure 1. Map showing general location of the proposed Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site and hydrologic-test pads H-7, H-8, H-9, and H-10 2 TABLES Table 1. Locations of wells tested 3 2-13. Data from: 2. Well H-7A bailing test 8 3. Well H-7B bailing and pumping tests 9 4. Well H-7C bailing, shut-in, and slug tests 20 5. Well H-8A bailing, shut-in, and slug tests 27 6. Well H-8B bailing, slug, and pumping tests 35 7. Well H-8C shut-in, flow, bailing, and pressure-pulse tests 51 8. Well H-9A bailing, shut-in, and slug tests 62 9. Well H-9B bailing, slug, and pumping tests 70 10. Well H-9C pressure-pulse test 81 11. Well H-10A bailing, shut-in, and slug tests 86 12. Well H-10B bailing, shut-in, and slug tests 98 13. Well H-10C pressure-pulse tests 107

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