
Western European governments have been keen either to collaborate with private entrepreneurs to develop DBS (Direct Broadcasting by Satellite) projects or to allow them to finance and operate such ventures on their own. An examination of programming and production. advertising. and news and information shows that governments are allowing DDS to be developed without adequate control and accountability structures. Its economic impact varies depending upon whether a country is a sender or a receiver of the signals. Its likely entertainment-based programming format and heavily commercialised flavour looks set to have a profound effect upon the existing terrestrial broadcasters. The countries of the South Pacific are both more vulnerable to external commercial interests and more susceptible to the claims of economic and industrial benefit by prospective DBS operators. Australia should playa role in providing policy expertise to the South Pacific nations so that adequate control and accountability structures can be established before any DDS services become operational. Without such Structures. these nations may find it increasingly difficult 10 preserve their political and economic integrity.

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