
Abstract: Coronavirus scourge is manifested because the general fortune quandary of planetary stew by the planet Health Organization within the second multi day stretch of March 2020.This illness starts from China on December 2019 has simply caused destruction over the world, as well as Bharat. The initial case in quite an whereas was accounted on twenty third Gregorian calendar month 2020, with the cases crossing nearly 6000 on the day, paper was composed. Complete isolation of the country for twenty one days and fast disengagement of contaminated cases square measure the energetic advances took by the specialists during this work, Indian Covid dataset is taken for the Analysis and Prediction. 2 epidemic models name SIR and SEIR square measure accustomed analyse the dataset. Introductory clarification of each models square measure mentioned. Comparison of each the models were additionally carried and SEIR model is acting higher prediction than the SIR for our dataset

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