The trade-off between achieving price stability and economic growth, especially in the short term is the impact of a decision-making dilemma for the conduct of fiscal policy or monetary policy in the Indonesian economy. The problem is what lies behind this study and aimed to determine the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on the Indonesian economy. The data used are secondary data sourced from Bank Indonesia and BPS variables namely GDP, Government Expenditure, Tax Revenue, Export, Exchange Rate, Money Supply, Interest Rates for time series from 2000 to 2012. Data analysis was performed using Two Stage Least Squares (TSLS) estimation with multiple linear regression models using Eviews 5.0 program assistance. The results of this study it can be concluded that the simultaneous equation model on IS to variable Interest Rate and a significant negative effect on GDP of Indonesia, while the Government Expenditure variable (G0), Export (X0) and Tax Revenue (Tx) and Exchange Rate (ER) effect positively and significantly to Indonesia's GDP, while the equation for the LM model of the Money Supply variables significantly and negatively related to Indonesia's GDP increased at a rate statistically a = 10% and for variable interest rate is not significantly to Indonesia's GDP.
D yang longgar dapat berdampak pada kenaikan harga/inflasi dan mengurangi daya saing produk dalam negeri dan pada akhirnya akan menurunkan devisa
The trade-off between achieving price stability and economic g rowth, especially in the short term is the impact of a decision-making dile mma fo r the conduct of f iscal policy or monetary pol icy in the Indonesian econo my
The problem is what lies behind this study and aimed to determine the impact of fiscal and monetary pol icies on the Indonesian economy
Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yang meliputi Produk Domestik bruto (PDB), pengeluaran pemerintah, penerimaan pajak, ekspor, nilai tukar, permintaan uang, dan tingkat bunga runtun waktu (time series) periode tahun 2000 sampai dengan tahun 2012. K = (banyaknya predetermined variable dalam model) ada 5 var iabel yaitu variabel G0, X0, Tx, ER dan MS0. M = (banyaknya endogeneus variable dalam model) ada 2 variab el yaitu variabel Y dan variab el r. Persamaan Model LM: K = (banyaknya predetermined variable dalam model) ada 5 var iabel yaitu variabel G0, X0, Tx, ER dan MS0. M = (banyaknya endogeneus variable dalam model) ada 2 variab el yaitu variabel variabel Y dan variab el r. Variab el-variabel tersebut dispesifikasikan ke dalam dua model persamaan sesuaidengan hubungan teoritisnya, yang akan diselesaikan dengan pendekatan TSLS, formulasi model penelitian ini sebagai berikut:. 2. Tahap II : estimasi model persamaan simultan dengan OLS dengan menggunakan nilai estimasi variab el endogen sebagai var iabel eksogen.
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