
The goal is to analyze the current situation on market for milk and dairy products in the Akmola region, to determine trends in sustainable development of dairy cattle breeding in the conditions of innovative economy. Methods – analytical and statistical industry information is systematized and summarized on the basis of economic-statistical, balance sheet, abstractlogical methods from open access sources and scientific literature. Results – the state of the dairy sub-industry in the region is considered. The authors identified the reasons that make it difficult to expand the capabilities of dairy farms. It is shown that highly efficient, resource-saving technologies are of particular importance for the intensification of the production of milk and its processed products and the economic growth of this market segment. The main focus of state support for dairy farming is outlined. To increase its effectiveness, effective republican and regional programs will be implemented. Active work to create modern large dairy farms in the region and raise dairy cattle will become attractive for investment. At dairy food complexes, the productivity of cows significantly increases, gross milk production increases, and optimal conditions for its primary processing are provided, which, in turn, ensures the quality of raw materials. Conclusions - the article proves the relevance of the study, which lies in the proposed measures to further increase the role of dairy farming in achieving food security of the state, justifying the need for public investment, increasing the volume of subsidies (direct subsidies and compensation for interest rates on loans), as well as choosing priority areas (infrastructure, technology) and taking into account many indicators that affect the efficiency of reproduction.

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