
The Mediterranean land snail Xeropicta derbentina forms huge populations in Southern France. In order to characterize heat exposure and the induction of the 70-kD heat shock protein (Hsp70) response system during the life cycle of this snail, a selected population from the Vaucluse area, Provence, was investigated encompassing the issues of morphological life cycle parameters (shell size and colouration), the daily courses of heat exposure at different heights above the ground, of shell temperature, and that of the individual Hsp70 levels. The study covered all four seasons of the year 2011. Snails were found to be annual, reaching their final size in August. The shell colouration pattern showed high variation in juveniles (spring) with a strong tendency towards becoming uniformly white at old age in autumn. In all seasons, ambient air temperature decreased with increasing distance from the ground surface during daytime while remaining constantly low in the night. Overall, the Hsp70 level of individuals followed the ambient temperature during diurnal and seasonal variations. Correlation analysis revealed a positive association of individual shell temperature and Hsp70 level for the most part of the life cycle of the snails until late summer, whereas a negative correlation was found for aged animals indicating senescence effects on the capacity of the stress response system.

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