
SUMMARYCytological studies are reported for some taxa belonging to three genera of Orchidaceae. Triploidy has been found in Orchis laxiflora, Anacamptis pyramidalis and in a new interspecific hybrid between Orchis collina and O. monrio. Meiosis in O. laxiflora was characterized by an high frequency of trivalents, while a few bivalents and univalents were observed. Anacamptis pyramidalis has presented numerous trivalents, few univalents/bivalents and rare quadrivalents. Karyotypes of diploid and triploid interspecific hybrids were compared with karyotypes of their parents. Aneuploidy was noticed in Himantoglossum adriaticum with chromosome numbers n= 18, 2n = 36 and 2n= 37. The possible significance on the occurrence of triploids is discussed.

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