
Modelica is an object-oriented modeling language whose design and features facilitate the description of cyber–physical systems (CPS). Message passing communication (MPC), seen as the transmission of impulses of information between model components, eases the description of the discrete-event parts of CPS models. However, Modelica does not currently supports MPC. Modelica supports an equation-based component connection rationale, where Modelica tools automatically transform component connections into model equations, following a physical modeling approach. The differences between MPC and Modelica connections are analyzed. A proposal for supporting MPC in Modelica is presented, inspired by the coupled PDEVS model communication approach. The presented MPC proposal is based on the definition of structures to manage messages, named buffers, interface ports and communication channels. Also, an implementation of the proposed MPC mechanism in the form of a new free Modelica library, named MSGLib, is presented. MSGLib includes functionality to manage and dynamically store messages, and describe component communications. Two examples, a pick and place system and a robotic arm, are presented to demonstrate the use of the library, and its combination with other Modelica models.

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