
Abstract The study was conducted on a so, farm in Thermal, Calif. Experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replications. Individual plot size was 50 sq ft. Two species of entomogenouj nematodes were studied. The first was Neoaplectana carpocapsae (= Steinernema feltiae) the All #25 strain, and the second was Heterorhabditis sp. the Hp88 strain. Nematode solutions were applied with a Solo knapsack sprayer using a hollow-cone nozzle at 32 psi and a spray rate of 4 gal/1000 sq ft. Cutworif larval density was estimated by flooding 2 randomly selected areas of 1 sq yd/plot. After 2-3 min the cutworms emerged to the surface and were countedf Pretreatment larval counts were taken on 28 Aug, after which treatments were applied. There was an average of 0.75 larvae/sq yd pretreatment. Posttreatmenf counts were taken on 1 Sep. Soil texture was sandy loam. Water was pH 7.2. Thatch was negligible (Vw inch). Average temperature during the study wai 95°F. The plots were irrigated daily with 0.1 inch of water during the study.

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