
Abstract. Due to rapid technological advancement, the financial industry is now transitioning from traditional to digitally based financial services. In Indonesia in particular, this transformation is being carried out in accordance with the idea of digital finance innovation. However, within the Indonesian financial industry, there is a competency gap that hinders the rate of progress of this transformation. Accordingly, this study aims to create a curriculum designed explicitly for digital finance innovation for Indonesian higher education institutions in order to address the existing competency gap. Through the application of multivariate regression analysis, eight required competencies and their respective subjects were identified in this study. The identified competencies can provide insights for higher education institutions in creating a curriculum to ensure that their future graduates can fill the competency gap within the Indonesian financial industry. The results of the study state that: (i) an effective and appropriate relationship between DA, RM, BM, and SM competencies and can improve the ability of financial institutions to identify and manage risks in their environment; (ii) the relationship between FIK knowledge and PRO and BM competencies can help financial institutions ensure that their DFI products, such as applications, meet the standards set by regulators and improve management practices; (iii) the relationship between FL and PRO competencies can improve the organization's ability to reduce the possibility of miscommunication and misperceptions surrounding DFI ideas. Hence, these findings have implications for the university curriculum that implements them, bolstering the output of graduates who can help accelerate the actualization of the digital financial innovation agendas of the Indonesian financial industry. Keywords: digital finance innovation; financial technology; higher education institutions

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